
Morning vs. Evening Workouts: Is One Better Than the Other?

October 25, 2015 - Health
Morning vs. Evening Workouts: Is One Better Than the Other?

There are countless variables that affect how quickly a person’s body changes after they have begun to exercise and eat well. Everything from one’s genetics to the supplements that they are taking will impact their overall fitness, but many people do not realize that the time of day they workout could be having an effect on their fitness and general well-being. Here is a closer look at just how big of a difference it can make to change your daily workout schedule.

The Evening Workout
Working out later on in the night is a risky decision for some people. Evening workouts have been shown to affect issues such as insomnia and the quality of sleep that we get. The later that a workout is, the higher the risk of developing these issues. That being said, an early evening workout might allow you to bypass these issues as well as provide you with a number of unique benefits. The first benefit that you will notice is a quieter gym with a much smaller crowd. For many people, it will also give them a chance to unwind from the day and they could have more energy from multiple meals.

The Morning Workout
Many fitness experts claim that morning workouts are much more effective, and this is why you might find yourself wading through a large crowd and waiting for popular machines. Even with these crowds, working out when your body is essentially in a state of shock and starving (if you have not had breakfast) will immediately ignite your metabolism. A morning workout will also give you time to mentally prepare for the day and flood your body and mind with oxygen-rich blood. A rigorous exercise in the morning can boost your metabolism throughout the day and long into the night. Limited studies have also shown that morning workouts in a fasting state will reduce one’s risk of developing type-2 diabetes and improve their heart health.

Choosing the Right Time to Workout
The best time for anyone to exercise is when they can train consistently. Trying to force an early workout every morning only to miss it three or four times a week can do more harm than good. On a similar note, attempting to train later on after work and staying up due to high amounts of adrenaline can be equally as harmful. When creating a workout routine, you should consider variables such as the openings in your daily schedule, your mental focus, and when you can consistently get to the gym without being forced to skip workouts multiple times a week.

