
6 Easy Ways to Boost Memory and Concentration

December 15, 2015 - Health
6 Easy Ways to Boost Memory and Concentration

There are advantages and disadvantages to our fast-paced, multi-tasking society. Because we tend to move quickly from one thing to the next, sometimes we don’t take the time to focus. And sometimes we don’t remember all of the information that comes our way.

There are methods that, with practice, can help improve concentration and memory. Some of these methods are listed below.

Concentration Strategies

1. Talk to yourself. When your mind starts to get side tracked, bring your thoughts back to what you are currently doing, by telling yourself to focus on what you are doing. Adopt a phrase that works best for you such as:
“Be here now.”
“Pay attention.”

2. Become aware of what distracts you. When you need to study or finish a project, where is your work area? What is in your work area? Find out what environment best suits you and work in that environment. Some considerations:

Do you need a workspace without people moving around?
Do sounds, such as television, conversations, or cell phone alerts, distract you?
Is music helpful? What volume setting for the music soft or louder, is useful or distracting? Does music with singing distract you? Would music without words work better?
If you study or work at home in bed, and you find that you feel lethargic or fall asleep, perhaps sitting at a desk or table is your best option.

3. When are you the most alert and energetic? Some people are “morning people”, meaning they wake up alert and active. They focus best and get a lot done in the mornings. Others are more alert and zeroed in at different times of the day. If you can choose when to work on what projects, you may want to consider scheduling your complicated or more specific projects when you are the most alert.

Once you have determined what works best for you regarding the above three strategies, practice them until they become a habit. These habits will serve you well.

Memory Strategies

Information is transferred from short-term memory and stored in long-term memory. To be able to use the information again, it must be retrieved from storage. Many strategies can help you to recover your stored memories.
1. Getting enough sleep is vital to your memory. When sleep deprived, you’re more likely to have a poor memory. During sleep, your brain consolidates information into your long-term memory storage. Lack of sleep interferes with the brain’s ability to do this. If you are a student and you routinely “cram” for exams by staying up all night that may not be your best option. Adults need seven and one-half to nine hours of sleep each night.

2. Get organized. When you “have a place for everything, and everything is in its place”, it can help your mind focus on what needs your attention.

3. Enjoy a hearty laugh or two. Research shows that the chemical reactions caused by laughter, ultimately improve memory in all age groups.
